It is well established that one of the ways of promoting research and learning is to publish a research journal, which would serve as a vehicle for preservation and dissemination of research work on one hand and motivation to young researcher and faculty on the other hand. With this end in view, the university publishes two research journals.
Nice Journal of Business
(ISSN: 0973-449X)
NICE Journal of Business is a half-yearly journal, earlier published by NICE Management College, Meerut, and now being brought out by the Faculty of Management Studies - NMC , Shobhit University, Meerut. It seeks to provide a platform to research scholars, practicing managers, and academicians in business management, commerce, economics, and allied fields, to present their research findings and share their views and experiences.
Call for Papers | Guidelinles for Authors
For details please contact editor.njb@shobhituniversity.ac.in
International Journal of Contemporary Research in Engineering and Technology
(ISSN: 2250-0510)
The emergence of Shobhit University at the sacred epicentre of the Ganges and the Yamuna doab make it as unique as the confluence of the disparate and multidisciplinary researches in engineering and technology being carried out here. Keeping in mind, the statement of James Russell Lowell that journals are the bees which carry the quickening pollen from one mind to another, Shobhit University, Meerut publishes a half-yearly journal, International Journal of Contemporary Research in Engineering and Technology.
For details please contact editor.engg@shobhituniversity.ac.in