Technology business incubators are a powerful economic development tool, which promotes growth through innovation, and application of technology, support economic development strategies for small business development, and encourage growth from within local economies, while also providing a mechanism for technology transfer. The Technology Business Incubators would primarily focus on those technologies, which needs support for commercialization and further proliferation. These can act as a growth driver in the low-end spectrum of the incubation eco-system. The components under the program will include mentoring support in business and technology plans, networking of business resources, entrepreneurship cum skill development, identification of appropriate technology, hands on experience on Projects, Projects/ Products selection, project report preparation, credit facilitation, seed capital assistance, marketing assistance, professional assistance to make the enterprise successful and achieve higher growth.
Technology based new enterprises are typically characterized as high risk and high growth ventures, and as such, they require an enabling environment like TBI to enhance the prospects of success.
Objectives of TBI
- To set up Technology based incubators for incubation of innovative ideas/technology in the Agro-based industry.
- Technology Commercialization: to provide a platform for speedy commercialization of technologies developed in the host institution or any academic and R&D institution of the country.
- Interfacing and Networking: to provide networking between academia, industry and financial institution.
- Value Addition: to provide value added services viz. legal, financial, technical, IPR, etc. to incubatees.
- New Enterprise Creation: to promote new technology/knowledge based enterprises.
Proposed Thrust Areas for Incubation
- Development Of The Innovative Techniques For Wastewater Treatment
- Preparation of Electrochemical Sensor to treat wastewater
- Development of eco- friendly technique (catalytic wet air technique) to treat wastewater
- Sugar, Gur Manufacturing And Wheat Byproduct (Mainly Cane Bagasse And Wheat Straw) Based- Medium And Small Scale Production Systems:-
- Low cost water purifying system
- Biofuel production
- Sugarcane bagasse and wheat straw based handmade paper
- Whole wheat milling with whole wheat and wheat bran bakery products
Expression of Interest-Entrepreneurs for TBI
About TBI:
Technology business incubator {TBI} is a powerful economic development tool, which promotes economic growth through innovation. The Technology Business Incubators primarily focus on those technologies, which need support for commercialization and further proliferation. They act as a growth driver in the low-end spectrum of the incubation eco-system. The world over, Technology Business Incubators are recognised for initiating technology led and knowledge driven enterprises.
Shobhit University is a TBI for a government funded, MSME project under ASPIRE Scheme. One of the thrust area of TBI include “Development of Low Cost Water Purification System from Agricultural waste Products”.
This project is aimed to help the entrepreneurs with mentoring support in business and technology plans, networking of business resources, entrepreneurship cum skill development, identification of appropriate technology, hands on experience on Projects, Project report preparation, credit facilitation, seed capital assistance, marketing assistance, professional assistance to make the enterprise successful.
WHO Can Apply?
The young enthusiastic graduate men and women with business acumen and a commitment to be of their own.
How to Apply:
Applicants can apply personally or through mail within 15 days to Shobhit University, Meerut NH-58, Modipuram Meerut, 250110. For further details and assistance, Please contact
Dr Manisha Rastogi, Project Manager, mail@shobhituniversity.ac.in .