University is headed by the Chancellor. The Vice - Chancellor acts as the Chief Executive Officer of the University, and is supported by Pro-Vice-Chancellors, Deans and Registrar.
The University has the following Governance Structures:
- The Governing Council
- The Executive Council
- The Academic Council
- The Finance Committee
- The Planning Board
- The Board of faculties
- The Board of Studies
- The Admission Committee
- The Examination Committee
Any such authorities as may be declared by the statutes to be the authorities of the University.
The University also has the following supporting bodies for smooth functioning:
- Supporting Bodies
- Internal Quality Assurance Cell
- University Training & Development Cell
- Library Committee
- Sports Committee
- Cultural Committee
- Anti-ragging Committee
- Anti-ragging Squad
- Gender Sensitization Cell
- Anti-Discrimination Cell
- Women Grievance Redressal Cell
- Grievance Redressal Cell
- University Research Degree Committee
- Research Advisory Board
- Various Activity Clubs
- Academic Centres
- Institutional Innovation center (IIC)
- Alumni Cell
- Career Guidance & Placement Cell