Keeping in mind, the statement of James Russell Lowell that journals are the bees which carry the quickening pollen from one mind to another, I have the pleasure to present the inaugural issue of the ‘International Journal of Contemporary Research in Engineering and Technology’. I may say that the emergence of Shobhit University at the sacred epicenter of the Ganges and the Yamuna doab make it as unique as the confluence of the disparate and multidisciplinary researches in engineering and technology being carried out here. The much awaited impetus in this inspirational and welcome effort through an international journal on the subject under the auspices of the Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Management: An Initiative of Shobhit Univrsity is a milestone for many reasons and I would briefly delve on this.
As technology is advancing, engineering and technology are coming of age in India, with newer insights, abstractions, algorithms, hardware, and integrations. Since engineering and technology are central to the advancement of our country, also being relevant to an increasing range of applications and human welfare, it was important to launch this contemporary journal on the demand of researchers in the region. No doubt scientists and engineers strive to combine engineering systems and the advances in technology with mathematical and organizational tools to create complex models to better understand reality. Any archival journal to publish and disseminate the abstractions, algorithms, theory, methodologies, models, systems, and case studies that can be applied across and around the globe will significantly advance efficiency, quality, productivity, and reliability of technology for the welfare of human society.
More than any other desired objectives, this journal will encourage young researchers to put in their best foot forward as also introduce and integrate them to global scientific thoughts and precepts. The inaugural issue had indeed been a difficult exercise so as to ensure the highest ii International Journal of Contemporary Research in Engg. and Tech. Vol. 1, No. 1, 2011 standards of ethics and excellence. Apart from a rigorous and uncompromising peer-based blind review process it was felt that the quality and standard of the journal were necessary for its long-term success.
Some of the very insightful papers and the exciting researches that appear in the inaugural issue range from the crawlers to the hidden web resources, bio-engineering techniques and their applications, software development and testing tools, material for transparent electrodes for solar cell and odour sensing discrimination techniques are very contemporaneous and exciting work.
‘In silico miRNAs Traget identification in Burma agrimony’ is a very futuristic work in agri-informatics and genetic engineering that also happens to be the thrust area for research at Shobhit University.
A book review section at the end will introduce the recent literature, books and works that may be of tremendous value to the engineering and technology community. In the inaugural issue it is a delight to see the very timely and topical books on “Data Structures using C” by Prof. (Dr.) A.K. Sharma, reviewed by Prof. (Dr.) J.P. Gupta, Former Vice-Chancellor, JIIT University. The book on “The Theory of Computation” by Wayne Goddard has been exhaustively reviewed by Prof. (Dr.) Irene Sarkar. The book on “Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Perspective” by Jan M. Rabaey, Anantha Chandrakasan and Borivoje Nikolic, now in the market has an insightful review by Prof. (Dr.) S. Sarkar whereas the one on “Embedded System” by Kanta Rao, reviewed by Prof. (Dr.) B.K. Kaushik, IIT Roorkee. Visualized quite some back this contemporary journal has now become a reality thanks to the vision of Hon’ble Pro Chancellor Kunwar Shekhar ji and the efforts and hard work of Prof. (Dr.) R.P. Agarwal, Vice-Chancellor alongwith their dedicated team have indeed burnt the midnight oil to make this possible. The worth of the journal is to be measured by what you can carry away from it, so mentioned James Bryce and I am confident that this maiden issue and the many more to come in posterity will hold true on this score alone. The inaugural issue is proposed to be followed up by biannual publications of the Journal that I am sure will be patronized by both the students and the scientific community and will reach great heights in the days to come.
Research Papers
- A Novel and Efficient Mechanism for Securing Migrating Crawler Data
Ashutosh Dixit and U.C. Pant - Downloading and Mapping of Web Forms for Information Retrieval from Hidden Web
Rosy Madaan, Komal Kumar Bhatia and A.K. Sharma - Dynamic Priority Scheduling for High Network Performance
Pranab Kumar Chakravarty - RSU Assisted Channel Allocation in VANETs
Ranjeet Singh Tomar and Shekhar Verma - Parallel Coupled Microstrip Filter Design using Electromagnetic Bandgap Structure
Dhirendra Kumar and Asok De - Technology Parameter Dependence of Subthreshold Domino Gate Body Bias Schemes
Udayprakash Raghunath Singh and S. Sarkar - A Comparative Study of SWNT Bundle and MWNT in Terms of Area and Propagation Delay for Global Interconnects Manoj Kumar Majumder, B.K. Kaushik and S.K. Manhas
- Sub-threshold Circuit Design Techniques for Ultra Low-power Logic
Rohit Dhiman, Rajeevan Chandel and R.P. Agarwal - Implementation and Verification of TCAM using System Verilog
Vineet Dhingra and Arti Noor - Impedance Characterization of Lens under Sub-Physiological Temperatures Durg
Vijay Rai, Kirpal Singh Kohli and Jayanand Manjhi - In Silico miRNAs Target Identification in Burma agrimony
Sarika Sahu and Rekha Dixit - Stability Enhancement of Surge Tank Fed Hydro Power Plant using PID-Derivative Controller
K. Anil Naik, P. Srikanth and A.K. Chandel - Crawling the Hidden Web Resources: A Review
Rosy Madaan, Ashutosh Dixit and A.K. Sharma - Odour Sensing and Discrimination Techniques: An Approach to E-Nose
S.K. Srivastava - Structural and Optoelectronic Properties of Indium Doped ZnO Thin Films Deposited by Sol-Gel Technique
Shaivalini Singh, R. Nunna, C. Periasamy and P. Chakrabarti
Guidelines for Authors
International Journal of Contemporary Research in Engineering and Technology invites academicians and professionals to contribute research papers, articles, abstracts of doctoral dissertations, major research project reports, case studies, comprehensive bibliography, and book reviews.
The following are the guidelines for the authors:
- The contribution must be original, neither published nor under consideration for publication.
- The cover page should contain the title of the paper, author’s name, designation, official address,contact phone/fax number and the e-mail address. The next page should contain an abstract of not more than 150 words, along with 5 key words. The main text should not contain the author’s name.
- References should be given at the end of the manuscript and should contain only those cited in the text of the manuscript.
- References should be given in IEEE Format, i.e. (i) E.N. Elnozahy, Y.M. Wang and D.B. Johnson, “A survey of Rollback-Recovery protocols in Message-Passing systems,” ACM computing surveys, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp 375–408, 2002. (ii) C.P. Agarwal, “Non linear fiber optics”, Academic Press, san Diego, 2006.
- Notes (Footnotes) should be avoided. If necessary, then it should be indicated by serial number in the text (1, 2,...) at the end of the research paper on a separate sheet just before references. Notes should not be mixed with references.
- Figures and tables should be numbered consecutively, in international numerals, and should appear soon after the text where they are cited first. The figures should be accommodated within two-thirds of the A-4 size paper. All the figures and tables must be suitably captioned.
- Please check your manuscript for clarity, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and consistency of references to minimize editorial changes.
- The use of capitilisation should be kept to the minimum, except in case of proper nouns, and should be followed consistently.
- A manuscript should not be more than 10,000 words.
- The manuscript should be in double space; in 12-points font size, on A-4 size paper, leaving 4 cms margin on all sides, so as to facilitate editing and styling. All texts, including abstract, quotations, notes and references should be typed in double-space.
- The contribution should be sent as an e-mail attachment to: ijcreat@gmail.com with a copy to prajanag@gmail.com and a soft copy (in MS Word format) is to be sent by post/courier to the editor.
- The contributions received for publication shall be referred to two experts on the subject, for review.
- Proof for correction, if required, will be sent to the author underlined, unless otherwise indicated. Corrected proofs should be returned within a week.
- The forwarding letter must include a certificate by the author(s) to the effect that the article is original and an exclusive contribution to the IJCREAT and shall not be released for publication elsewhere unless the Editor’s decision not to publish has been communicated to the author(s).
- The final decision on the acceptance or otherwise of the paper rests with the Editorial Board, and its publication depends entirely on the standard and relevance of the paper.
- The final draft may be subjected to editorial amendments to suit the Journal’s requirements.
- The author will receive one copy of the Journal free of charge, soon after its publication.
- The copyright of the articles and other material published in the Journal, shall lie with the publisher.
- The references to websites should be kept to the minimum. The date of accession of the website should be invariably mentioned within a bracket.
- All manuscripts are subject to blind review and are expected to meet the standards of academic excellence. Identities of reviewers will remain anonymous to the author(s).
- If the manuscript is accepted for publication, paper must not be published any where without the written permission of the editor.
- International Journal of Contemporary Research in Engineering and Technology (IJCREAT) is a biannual peer-reviewed journal of Shobhit University, Meerut which aims to publish original research papers of high quality in the field of Engineering and Technology.
- Short communication on Applications and Testing are also invited for publication.
Contact Details
The Editor, International Journal of Contemporary
Research in Engineering and Technology
Shobhit University
NH-58, Modipuram, Meerut - 250 110
ijcreat@shobhituniversity.ac.in, ijcreat@gmail.com